Colour Modes and Loops

In this class, we were introduced to the basics of p5.js and how to create simple shapes using the built in functions in this library. We also created a multi-coloured tile grid using nested for loops and the HSB colour mode.

Introduction to p5.js

Initial environment properties such as the width and height of the canvas, background colour, and colour mode are defined in the setup() function. This function is only called once when the program starts.

In the code block below, the canvas has a width and height of 500 pixels, and the background colour is black.

function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 500);

Simple shapes are drawn on the canvas by using p5 functions such as fill(), stroke(), strokeWeight(), ellipse(), line(), and rect() in the draw() function. This function runs continuously unless noLoop() is called in setup() or the program is stopped.

For example, to draw a red square that is at location (20, 20) with a width and height of 100 pixels and has no stroke:

function draw() {
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  rect(20, 20, 100, 100);

Colour Mode

By default, the parameters passed for fill(), stroke(), and background() functions are defined by values between 0 and 255 using the RGB colour model. To use the HSB colour system, Setting colorMode(HSB) in the setup() function changes the way p5.js interprets colour data.

In the code snippet below, the colour mode is set to HSB. The range for the hue is set to the width of the canvas. The range for the saturation is set to the height of the canvas, and the range for the brightness is set to 100.

colorMode(HSB, width, height, 100);

Multi-Coloured Tile Grid

One way of creating a grid of tiles, each tile having different colours is by drawing squares on the canvas using a nested for loop, and setting the colour of each tile to its position on the canvas.

function draw() {
  let step = 10;
  for (let gridX = 0; gridX < width; gridX += step) {
    for (let gridY = 0; gridY < height;  gridY += step) {
      fill(gridX, height - gridY, 100);
      rect(gridX, gridY, 20, 20);