Shape and Interactivity

We looked at how to implement mouse interactivity and transformations in sketches before starting pattern creation with p5.js.

The Custom Shape

Similar to the HSB colour wheel created in the previous exercises, the spiky custom shape is created with the beginShape(), vertex(), and endShape() functions. The TRIANGLE_FAN constant and a for loop draws the spikes of the shape. The code for this custom shape is almost similar to the code for the colour wheel except the segment has no fill colour and has a border around it instead. The starting vertex coordinates is not followed by a series of vertices but by lines drawn using the line() function. Transformations are also applied to this sketch. The coordinate system is moved to the centre of the canvas.

function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 500);

  centerX = width/2;
  centerY = height/2;

function draw() {
  translate(centerX, centerY);
  vertex(0, 0);
  for (let i = 0; i <= TWO_PI; i += stepAngle) {
    let vx = (radius * cos(i));
    let vy = (radius * sin(i));
    line(0, 0, vx, vy);

Mouse Interactivity

In this exercise, the current mouse position controls the radius and the number of spikes of the custom shape. The mouseX coordinate is scaled from a value in the range of 0 to the right edge of the window (width) to a range between -200 and 200. The resulting value determines the radius of the custom shape. The mouseY coordinate is scaled from a range between 0 and the bottom edge of the window (height) to a value in the range of 12 and 90. The resulting value is the number of spikes (numOfSegments). The angle at which a spike is drawn is the quotient of TWO_PI divided by numOfSegments. TWP_PI is used in this exercise as the angleMode() is set to default, which is RADIIANS. The following lines of code are included in the draw() function.

radius = map(mouseX, 0, width, -200, 200);
numOfSegments = map(mouseY, 0, height, 12, 90);
stepAngle = TWO_PI/numOfSegments;